Charley Uchea 'Vice Secret' Shock Claims
Sensational claims are made today in the Daily Star newspaper. They write, "Big Brother babe Charley Uchea asked punters to pay £500 a time for sex, a friend has revealed." The headline includes the words Charley's Vice Secret. But you've got to ask if it's fair to write such a story as it gives a slightly wrong impression of Charley Uchea. Okay Charley is no angel but when you read the full story it's something a little different to what is implied. The story came from a 'friend', Kerry Blake, who was with Charley when they both worked at a lap dancing club. What Kerry actually said was about how Charley 'would lead blokes on by claiming she was a £500 a time hooker.' Note she didn't say that Charley ever took money or that she acted as a hooker or hostess. She does say that Charley had a threesome but that's not vice, if it's not paid for. It's up to individuals how they live their lives and by what standards. To clarify there is no proof that Charley Uchea was ever involved in vice or was paid for sex. Labels: Charley, Charley Uchea, Charley's Vice Secret, hooker |