Kate Price Says No More Safe Sex
The pregnant voluptuous Katie Price, previously known as Jordan, has caused a bit of a storm by saying that after the birth of her child she doesn't want to use any contraception. Her husband, Peter Andre, has been told that he'll have to use the withdrawal method when they have sex. So who wears the trousers in her house? Straight away there were moans that this isn't the way to behave as it sets a bad example to her 'fans'. The Brook charity, which gives advice on contraception and sexual health, is quoted as saying: 'These are surprising and dangerously ill-advised comments from a role model like Kate Price. We would stress, as we do on our website, that withdrawal is not a method of contraception.' Is Kate Price bothered? No, it's all good publicity at the time of promoting her book. She told New Woman magazine, when talking about Pete: 'He'll have to pull out, I'm afraid. He's slept with so many girls in the past he's learned to pull.' So there you go! Wonder how many children she wants ... The photos show a pregnant Katie Price and also, below, an example of the sexy Jordan topless photos that gave her celebrity status. Oh and that's Mr. Kate Price on the left, sometimes known as Peter Andre! Labels: contraception, Jordan, Jordan Topless Photos, Kate price, Katie Price, Peter Andre, sex, withdrawal method |
the thing is they are married have a great family already they are a close family and katie has already said she wants at least 6 children they are happy and are good parents its not like they are bits of kids they are adults and want a family what is so wrong in that and any fan would know that!