Britney Spears On X Factor
![]() Britney Spears deemed to honour X Factor with her presence last night. Diddy little Dermot was nearly orgasmic with excitement as he mentioned her name in virtually every sentence and kept on and on about it being Britney Spears Night. As for Britney she managed to lip sinc her way through her one song and many viewers must have scratched their heads wondering what all of the excessive hype was about. She looked okay, she danced efficiently and afterwards uttered a few platitudes about how 'she loved being here in London, it's awesome' and when asked about the X Factor contestants managed to come up with the words of wisdom, "Good luck and just keep doing it." Somehow the whole Britney Spears performance was just her doing her routine job, there was no real passion or personality. Quite honestly Miley Cyrus, who was also on the show knocked, her for six and was far better entertainment value. Disappointing, to say the least, and to think the X Factor contestants had to also sing Britney songs in her honour - most of which were completely unsuitable. As for the real part of the show, when it wasn't simply a publicity generating machine for Britney, was that Ruth Lorenzo was predictably voted out. And the winner of X Factor is/will be ... Simon Cowell! Well done Simon. Ad: Make some extra money completing surveys and polls for payment - genuine company, join free. Results often seen in UK press and on television. Labels: Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Ruth Lorenzo, Simon Cowell, X Factor |