Have Keira Knightley's Boobs Been Touched Up?
The debate is: Was the Chanel photo of Keira Knightley airbrushed to make her boobs look bigger? Keira is the face for the new campaign for Coco Mademoiselle perfume. According to experts - who study this sort of thing - Keira's cup size has increased several sizes. Couldn't comment on this personally, of course. The appearance of her cleavage was increased for the Pirates of the Caribbean movies by make-up artists. Keira said at the time, "I loved it, completely loved it. Because it was the first time in my life I had big t*t* and I didn't even need surgery." Looks like Keira Knightley may well have been touched up again. To compare there is a topless photo of her on from The Edge Of Love movie. Labels: Keira Knightley |