Big Brother Cancels The £100,000 Prize Money
![]() The reason? They were told to do something interesting. So what did they do? They broke through a fire exit in the garden and ran amok in the camera runs. Marcus Akin, Charlie, Sophie Reade, Siavash Sabbaghpour and Rodrigo Lopes were heard screaming while running away from security guards. And all of this just as Channel 4 have announced that Big Brother will also be scrapped after a final show in 2010. Rodrigo was none too happy about the loss of the prize money but David and Charlie said they were glad that there was no longer a prize to compete for. Let's face it, Big Brother has now run it's course. Initially it was fun and interesting but now it's boring and is haemorrhaging viewers. The time has come to kick it into touch. Get 3000 television stations on your PC or laptop. No monthly fee or subscription. In less than 5 minutes you could be watching your choice from 1000's of channels. Works anywhere in the world and with all versions of Windows. Labels: Big Brother, Big Brother 10, Sophie Reade |